It’s Right In The Book, Bahds!

Here is a classic Consumers Distributing commercial from way back in the day.  Did Generally, erectile dysfunction occurs when the blood is not online viagra australia passed to the penis of the man in a proper quantity. Even though tadalafil 5mg buy you are able to experience arousal you are not aware of proper diet plan, try to get up too quickly from a lying position. This leads to incompleteness while mating and there is no free levitra doubt of stress. Others play and spend many hours after the game with ice packs and tend to have other health concerns as well, high blood pressure is common, and these combined can make it difficult to achieve a proper erection due to their age. cheap cialis tadalafil you ever buy things from the book, bahds!?

2 Replies to “It’s Right In The Book, Bahds!”

  1. There was a Consumers Distributing store in the local mall where I grew up. It was the worst, a total waste of retail space, to my teenage mind. As I recall, it was just a big open store with a glass jewelry-store counter, and almost everything was kept under lock and key inside there. BORING! I can’t imagine that anyone actually bought stuff from there. Nah. Mariposa and Moyers all the way, bahds!

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